Auckland Airport Pickup/Drop Off

Location for Item Pickup/Drop Off:

Attended baggage storage is available at the International terninal at Auckland International Airport 5am-5pm everyday from the Wrapping Station (“Secure Travel”), located near check-in Zone A and Door 7 (which is closer to the arrivals end of the terminal) and located in close proximity to the Air NZ Premium checkin.

This is where the item/s will be left for you to collect so when you enter the terminal from the customs controlled area you will turn right, if you continue to walk you will see the kiosk on the right hand side of the terminal called – Secure Travel.

You will need to show them the docket that we have either text or emailed to you which will allow you to collect the goods.  We will also book it under your name.

Note when returning the items for us to collect, we cannot prepay this service so you will need to make payment for the items when you leave them for us to collect under the name BABYTRAVEL. Note we have not charged you for this in advance.

You will also need to take a photo of the docket and text +64 210 322 422 or email it to us (on this email)  so we can use this to collect the items, without this we may not be able to collect the items.

You will need to authorize the storage staff to do an explosive trace detection test or a physical check on every bag you store on our premises. Without your consent to do the ETD, they cannot accept your bags.

All prices are in NZD and do not include the delivery and collection charge to and from the airport.

Baby Carseat EACH     0-4 Hours     $12 * Depending on your flight times this is usually fine.

0-8 Hours     $14

0-24 Hours     $17

A website that explains more on the service is below and linked to the Secure Travel FAQ page.